When you are crazy , you do stupid things.. all in the name of glory !! Hahahaha . I will not repeat what i did today in the future.. but it was fun !
I registered for Orange Run quite some time back through Wan Edrin. I totally forgot about it when we were doing my roster and it is not a good idea to be on call the day before a RUN..
I only slept like 2 - 3 hours , interruptedly and rushed to the Curve with my fingers crossed that my patients would not collapse by the time I'm gone from ICU at 7.
I broke
rule no 1 before a race : REST ADEQUATELY
Then , as i was rushing i broke
rule no 2 : HAVE A GOOD BREAKFAST BEFOREHAND and i only drank plain mineral water which I will tell you later when it became significant !
I broke
rule no 3 : Get your numbers ready before race day. Edrin was holding my number and I was a bit late and IT BECAME REALLY KELAM KABUT. I invited Kamal to join us because i thought Edrin registered for Azad. but hehehe.. he did not !! Somehow , neither of us had Ruslan and Halim's number ; so their numbers were with me and the announcer was telling all participants to be ready. There was a bit of panic. I decided to give my number to Kamal ( self sacrifice tu.. hahaha ) and since Ruslan was nowhere to be found ; I took his number. Therefore I am the officially ; PELARI HANTU !!! hahahaha.. A is for veterans above 45 , and i dunno whether i fit into that look... hahahaha.
Suddenly the gun was fired and gile kelam kabut as Edrin was pinning my number and we all just ran without warming up which was
rule no 4 !!! Well , the show has to go on right ? So we continued the run , i was feeling fatigued already because of my lack of sleep ; it was more of the mind rather than the body because initially i did not pant and ran at my own pace.
2 km and suddenly i had the urge to micturate. DAMN ! Macam KL marathon hari tu.. hahaha luckily it was not my tummy this time. I was looking if i could just go to the side but it was open space all the way! It was so bad because my bladder was really full and i had to just let it go ! It was the 500ml of mineral water i drank in the car. Then there was this mamak shop.. and i ran towards it very fast ! I had to go !! hahahaha When the crowd saw me heading towards mamak they clapped and cheered !! hahaha the workers were very nice to me and showed me the way to salvation.. and Aaaahhhhh... nikmat... hahahaha
I continued my run and it was good. It was drizzling and the weather was just permitting. I was pacing myself , not too fast because i don't want to hurt my legs as it did not have enough rest during the call. I ran passed this fella who looked familiar , but he had his number on ! As i passed him.. hahhahaha it was Ruslan and isaid hi to him.H and Halim e came early and they had plan B ; that is to reregister ! Nad i was the living proof of our HANTU culture !! hahahaha
I met
Stupe too near the first water station. Waahh.. bodynya ampuh pak.. hahaha He was certainly having fun doing this run and taking pictures of his friends :)
Wafi has also became a permanent member in races that I've joined this year. I saw
Ezad and his cool runnings team too ; as enthusiastic as ever !
I was not up to go all out in this run because of I was tired to begin with. However , it was a good run and i was not that fatigue with muscle cramps free at the end . It was fun and I know Kamal ,Ruslan and Halim are keen to continue this new "age" activity! HOLA ORANGE RUN !!!