Friday, May 31, 2024

Friends trapped in Denali 2024

Doakan yang terbaik untuk sahabat-sahabat saya di sana. Hari ini 31 Mei 2024. Deeno and Ajoy. Pak Am is currently treated in a hospital after being rescued earlier. 

Bad weather continues to thwart attempts to rescue two hypothermic climbers stranded near Denali’s summit since Tuesday, according to park officials.

A Denali National Park and Preserve helicopter remained grounded at midday Thursday by heavy cloud cover on North America’s tallest peak. Meanwhile, the men have been bivouacking in a “crude snow cave” since late Tuesday night, after a summit push left them exhausted and hypothermic, according to a park statement.

The park has identified the climbers as three men from Malaysia. They had used a InReach satellite device at 1 a.m. Tuesday to report from the 20,310-foot summit that they were hypothermic and unable to descend. They later reached an area called the “Football Field” at an elevation of 19,600 feet.

Park officials say one of the men, a 48-year-old climber, was able to descend to the 17,200-foot high camp on Tuesday and was evacuated in serious condition that night.

The other two climbers, ages 36 and 47, have been holed up in the snow cave.

Park officials said five brief inReach messages came through from the men Wednesday night “in rapid succession.” The messages confirmed their location and requested help. 

“The last message from the men indicated their InReach battery was almost completely depleted,” said the park statement.

Clouds and high winds had also precluded attempts overnight Wednesday to reach the climbers, said park spokesman Paul Ollig. 

A ground crew of rangers and volunteer mountaineers was staged at the mountain’s high camp, according to park officials, but conditions overnight kept the crew from ascending any higher. Both the ground crew and the park’s high-altitude helicopter were on standby as of 11:30 a.m. Thursday, waiting for conditions to improve.

The Gaza Mission Part Deux

Apologies again for the sudden silence after initially barging through with multiple posts within a short time. I have now garnered enough strength and time to now jot this down. A trip which was dreamt 10 years ago realized in 2024. It was with the unfortunate event affecting our brothers and sisters in Gaza that this time around somehow I was given the rezq to enter the blessed state.
Yes the genocide which is still ongoing for 8 months now. You wonder how could something like this happen in the current "modern and civilized" mentality that we proudly proclaim. It is obvious how we are duped and in the end, it is the fate and behaviour of mankind. For generations till eternity. Its all mentioned clearly in Quran about humanity in general. 

I will definitely write more on the experience. Slowly per post of the act, the movement, the emotions. It was overwhelming. It was sad to leave the place when it was due and one wishes one could do more. We still don/t know what will be the endgame to this massacre - but rest assured we do know where all of this events are heading to.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Golden Night 2024 SMTTDI

The event was held somewhere in Sentul- It was an event that Ustaz Ahmad planned probably his last hurrah for the school. Currently he is in another school in Segambut as part of a promotion process- but at the end of the day his heart is with SMTTDI.
I wished that the alumni themselves would have been more interested to join this event. Dont get me wrong! They did with the surplus donations but in terms of presence. It would have been fun to have us around to just celebrate the occasion- and meeting up in a school like function after 30 years! Gile dah tua.
Brought the kids to enjoy the event. It was quite good with Lah and Zain performing for the event. Deffany and Led came too as i bought a table for the family to come. Oklah not too bad of the attndance.

Insha Allah, Im sure with events like this we will make it possible for kids to come with us in future events.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Malam Puisi Kemanusian HKL 2024

This was the event which felt like a dream to be apart of. Amazing, having to recite your own poetry amongst not just fellow colleagues, but 2 sasterawan Negara!! Anwar Ridwan and Rahman Shaari!! Gile!! Can you imagine me sharing the same stage with them? Truly awesome and once in a lifetime opportunity😊
It was the annual event again organized by Dato Alzamani of HKL- I thought last year was already grand but this year he went all out! Having the Malaysia’s authority of arts and literature to recognize event itself was amazing! Thank you DBP for acknowledging our efforts as part of expanding interest and diversity of how literature can be interpreted.
It was an awesome event where the DBP social media team telecasted us live in their FB. Of course most of us amateurs felt the inferiority complex in showcasing our attempt at writing and performing poetry in front of the real expert audience. However, as it was what we felt as sincerely as we can, we presented all from the heart.
I was certainly happy to be invited as how I have been involved from 3 years ago. This year’s event was superbly organized and I do hope to get invited again next year.
This is for keeps and something I will cherish for the rest of my life. Bucket list ticked!!

The Hafiz in the family

January 2023.
This was another landmark in the history of my life. Qayyum was celebrated in a small ceremony of Khatam in memorizing the whole of Quran. Alhamdulillah, he managed to achieve this at the end of his studies in SMISTA. I felt so proud for his efforts despite the difficulties he faced in persevering with the syllabus.
It was a shame that I could not attend this event. I am blogging this down to tell why I missed one of the most important event for Qayyum. I was scheduled then to be present in Syariah court on the same day as when this happened. It was fairly adhoc when Qayyum mentioned that the school was doing this khatam for the last four of them. It was not possible for me to postpone the hearing as it was a long awaited one. I however substituted myself with the presence of TokPa and TokMa for this memorable day. The least that I could do.
I am so proud of him for this and I am sorry for not being able to attend it physically. I would have done anything to come for this day but I had to make my choice due to priorities. 
Well done Qayyum. Semoga ilmu AlQuran ini diamalkan sepanjang hayatmu.

SPM Result 23 - Qayyum’s 11As😊

This is a throwback post!I did not get to post this last year so I am doing qada’ posts which I reckon were milestones and things to really embed in my memories😊
 One of the most wonderful moment in one’s life as a parent is to witness the sucess of your children. Qayyum had challenging years through the pandemic- imagine having to be at home and adapt to the new online learning. It was a very unthinkable scenario and I really thought that it would destroy the motivation to learn and excel in academics.
Somehow it was different from Qayyum. The situation transformed him from being an average student to become one of the top students of his batch! More so Add Maths became his pet subject.. like what?? Haha I remembered struggling with Add Maths for the 2 years of my life! 
At first I did not believe it was possible but MDQ1 proved me wrong. He certainly excelled and what I appreciate most about his ability was his willingness to teach and guide others to excel as well. Amazing.
I am so proud of him, my firstborn. Alhamdulillah he scored 11As which was much more than I did with mine. Currently he is pursuing his tertiary education with Maths as the core. I pray for him to be successful in life and hereafter. Always.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Eusoff birthday bash!

Eusoff reached his 1 year old mark at the end of January. Wifey had been planning her birthday bash for months and we did hire somebody to organize it.(Crony la.. haha)  I gave my full support to wifey because I know this first birthday party is not really for Eusoff but for her! Haha well, I do reckon she deserves this gathering as she missed her baby shower due to Eusoff who decided that he should come out earlier than planned.
The event was held in The Grange, Setia Alam. The venue was great and I believe those who attended the party did not have that much of problem going to. We invited family and friends- close ones as if had invited all nanti macam kenduri kahwin pulak tak boleh cope haha MDQs were around too and that made it more special. Mizan couldn’t make it as he was in an archery competition which he did well! No 5 overall and qualified for the quarter finals😊
The venue setting was nice. I was utterly suprised to see a balloon like structure inside the restaurant!! And at one corner was this booth for picking up prizes game which became a hit to all that came😆 Laikha was literally on the thing most of the time.
          I never knew we had this
             Gile best
                Mamat family
Thank you to everybody who came. It was nice to see all the pictures taken on that day. The video was nice too but I let Eka to handle it and just ahow me the results. Thank you to Deffany from Glabella cakes for organizing the whole thing- pening kot doing all this to ensure everything is perfect on the day😊

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Gamuda Splashworld for MdQs!

MDQs are hydrophilic kids- Anything related to water they will be superly keen and with this waterpark near to our home- it was a definite must! This trip was planned during the December school holidays. We had Elly, Doya and Renee with their kids to come as well. It was a very enjoyable whole day affair.
Initially I was worried that it would rain all day as that week the weather forecast was gloomy. It rained heavily all week and we were hoping for the best. It even rained like ribut the day before.
Alhamdulillah, the weather was good to us all day. The place was bare so being too hot might be an issue. We were blessed that the mendung was nice and only few spells of hot sun upon us. The early disappointment was the unavailability of the cabana- as it was fully booked due to a company having their retreat that Saturday.

As expected MDQs kept disappearing and enjoyed themselves with rides. They are bigger now hence they will go all over to attend the rides. Being swimmers, I was confident to let them go and enjoy themselves. Eusoff was enjoying it too ( I hope!) It was amazing that all family members did enjoy themselves😊