Sunday, February 11, 2024

SPM Result 23 - Qayyum’s 11As😊

This is a throwback post!I did not get to post this last year so I am doing qada’ posts which I reckon were milestones and things to really embed in my memories😊
 One of the most wonderful moment in one’s life as a parent is to witness the sucess of your children. Qayyum had challenging years through the pandemic- imagine having to be at home and adapt to the new online learning. It was a very unthinkable scenario and I really thought that it would destroy the motivation to learn and excel in academics.
Somehow it was different from Qayyum. The situation transformed him from being an average student to become one of the top students of his batch! More so Add Maths became his pet subject.. like what?? Haha I remembered struggling with Add Maths for the 2 years of my life! 
At first I did not believe it was possible but MDQ1 proved me wrong. He certainly excelled and what I appreciate most about his ability was his willingness to teach and guide others to excel as well. Amazing.
I am so proud of him, my firstborn. Alhamdulillah he scored 11As which was much more than I did with mine. Currently he is pursuing his tertiary education with Maths as the core. I pray for him to be successful in life and hereafter. Always.

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