Sunday, September 11, 2005

MiNd Block..

After having the "trauma" on Thursday , I came to work on Friday feeling a little bit edgy on facing my on-call. heks.. The OAS ( Obstetric Analgesia Service ) nurses are very experienced and friendly.They are good teachers as well ; it was good to have them around during the day .

Howdy! Posted by Picasa
We did our review rounds in the morning and obviously my concern was for my patient yesterday. Pheww.. How glad can i be seeing her breastfeeding her baby. She was actually sitting up and not in pain. When i asked her what happened yesterday , she said she can't remember. She said that after she lied down everything went blank. Syukur everything turned out ok.

SOmehow , after caesarean section , patients are doing well post Op. According to the OAS nurse , after we introduced MOrphine during spinal and epidural anaesthesia for caesarean , patients seemed to recover fast. Gone were the days when patients are immobile in bed for days because of pain. Nowadays , we practice giving 0.2mg Morphine in the subarachnoid solution or 4mg of Morphine bolus in epidurals before pulling out the catheter. There were even patients already walking to the toilet 6 hours post op !! Amazing.. a totally different picture from my houseman days in the obstetric wards..

our lovely set.. Posted by Picasa

And guess what... I made a DURAL PUNCTURE for my first epidural patient !! Damn !! Her physique was alright but dunno somehow , i just could not locate the space. So i pushed..and pushed.. and suddenly a gush of CSF came out.. macam PIPE beb.. HAks !! We had to abandon her after my senior tried too and somehow just could not thread the catheter. I said.. Alamak...ahh... how lah macam ni in starting the call..

But Alhamdulillah , my call was alright on Friday. We had only 13 emergency caesareans to do the whole day. ( The record is 30 ooh.. ) It was intermittent and i did have my short naps in between. Only like 2 fetal distress ; the rest was the usual poor progress / 2dary Arrest. So ok lah !! no catastrophies.. Even the hysterectomy they had to do for one lady in the evening was stable. I managed to get the fluids right so she was alright post op.. even though emotionally she was very upset when told during the OP ; the surgeons had to take off her one and only reproductive organ. INserted 12 epidurals that day.. haks.. 2 at 3 am in the morning !! apa la.. tapi nak buat camana... dah job specs..

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