Wednesday, November 23, 2005


baby Dzaeffran when he is awake.. Posted by Picasa

GROUP : Third generation of Hybrid Opioid
GENERIC NAME : Myftzal Dzaeffran Qayyum
EFFECTS : potent sedative , anaesthetic smile , heart softener
SIDE EFFECTS : euphoria , substance dependance
CONTRAINDICATION : before going to work.

It is baby Dzaeffran's day 7 of life outside the womb today. I had to return to work after a long 7 days leave. Somehow , its a bit different now leaving home. It was soothing to see him fast asleep when i woke up for Subuh prayers . According to wifey , he behaved well last night , breastfed baby Dzaeffran twice throughout the night and he was not irritable hence my undisturbed sleep.

And as i was about to leave , i just had to rub his nose against mine ..and smell him. Aahh.. the baby smell.. so pure and refreshing. Its just so wonderful to see him , just looking at him makes me smile. I cannot explain why , but it just does.

I've changed baby Dzaeffran's diaper a few times , surprisingly i am quite happy to do it !! haks.. the thought of his "offerings" initiates nausea ; however during the change ; it becomes enjoyable ?? funny eih ? Honestly !! My colleagues told me its just a phase ; just like when you're initially in love.To me , its a different kind of euphoria. Something i cannot explain but i don't mind feeling it !!

By the way , i have not really decide on what baby Dzaeffran should call me. I was keen on father , but it brought laughter to friends and annoyance to wifey. Not keen on bapak , daddy or papa , maybe ayah or abah ..but thinking hard on Walid. hehehe.. Wifey not that keen for me to be addressed as Walid but.. why not ? it sounds cool anyway.


syachou said...

betul lah lal, i still think MDQ looks like his uncle muti.. dalam gambar ni lagi clear.. hehe..

Cosmic_GurL said...

Heya Doc! Congratulations Big Daddy!!! Am so happy for you. Still remember baru jer hari tu terserempak dgn you and your wife tengok wayang kat GSC, then heard your wife gave birth. Again, congrats :) - Sherie

LeenaSan said...

Walid is okay but usually it goes with an it becomes umi and walid...or you could go the american way and use 'pop' or we could for authentic malaysian indian...'appa'...whatever it is the feeling will be unique when he calls you by whatever word that indicates father.

syachou said...

ayoyo.. appa, amma...hmmm, dun think so kot.. hehe

mafeitz said...

syachou : hahaha !! i can see the resemblance !!!
cosmic gurl : thanx !!!
leenasanzo : yups.. wifey is referring herself as umi.. but appa ? haks.. itu selvanathan..( or whatever his name was.. hahaha)