My last two calls were terrible ; my brain capabilities tested and stressed for that 24 hours - doing cases back to back ; complicated that needs upmost vigilance . Our job can appear boring and easy from a surgeon's point of view but truthfully , it is during this time that we dedicate our all to the patients. The best monitor are not US , Japan or German made machines but us anaesthetists. There were too many subsequent big cases yesterday and i was only done at 5am. My partner was so exhausted that he really really slept in OT while doing the case !!
Believe it or not , it is in the OT that we get hot gossips and misfit endevours by our society.
" Dia cinta saya dok.. " said the Indonesian maid when enquired about her affair with the employer's son resulting an unstable ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
"Oohh..I didn't know why they attacked me " said the Indian fella on why he was slashed so bad. Apparently , upon reading the police report ,he is a murder suspect !!
"I cannot live with him anymore " answered a battered wife before induction.By fact , this is her third incident since last year which is related to domestic violence.
" don't drink regularly. Somebody gave it to me.. " said a young malay chap who was involved in a bad accident causing intra-cranial bleed. His Gamma GT is damn sky high..
"Saya tak mau operation la doktor.. " said an old lady with a bad heart about to undergo GA forced by their family to do so..
And the best of all is...
"You ni available ke tak doc?
I suka your sweet... " Subhanallah..
p/s tahun ni banyak ego booster la.. Am i imagining all this ? Hahahaha