This was my 3rd Anaesthesia conference and participating in ASEAN level discourse was something not to be missed. It was held in Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu 2nd-5th July which was an excellent place to be at. The resort was beautiful and having it here for an international event is spot on!
I was supposed to go with Hady alone but somehow , our wives were keen themselves to be in Kota Kinabalu! Wifey and kids booked the tickets after mine was settled with UiTM. We didn't stay in Sutera Harbour but in Promenade hotel ; about 2 km away. I guess it was luck when we got upgraded to the club suite on the 11th floor ; room with a picturesque view! Taking 3 kids with us without a maid is a challenge to the max ! We had to try this out in the idea of charting our future travels!
I had an active participation because of my poster and Oral presentation. In a way, it was a justification to be present in this conference as well as having it in my CV. Of course , Suana's poster was a real show of her personality!! hahaha
I was chosen to present my study in the Young Investigator's Award. It was a good experience eventhough I did not bag the prize!I was under attack from the word go by judges on Q&A time and defending my study can be tricky! I thank them for the constructive comments and it certainly widened my horizon to do beter the next time around. Watch out for me ahhh.. hehehehe Well , at the end of the day it was about the scientific value of your study rather than the showmanship and i lost to a better study! Well done Alvin! Cayalah !! Hidup UM !! hehehehehe
Conferences such as this is a wonderful reunion to meet old aquantainces. It was a surprise to know that i knew all escept one of the participants in my award. Well , the other 3 was from the ame uni so dduuuhh... one was my junior in IMU and the other ; a fellow Brestari Muda Public Bank receipient whom i last met 18 years ago !!! And now , he is also a doctor and in his final year of post graduate! Unfortunately , due to the hectic schedule as well as me being too paranoid about the oral presentation ; my camwhoring activities were obviously absent in this post!
The ASEAN night was well organized and it was fun seeing the sportingness of the ASEAN consultants to perform on the stage! It showed how they normal like you and me eventhough they have tonnes of study ( and stil ongoing ! ) under their belts! hehehehe.. Tabik spring tuan !!
Overall it was agood experience and intend to participate actively in future conferences. Whcih means , i have to organize my 2nd , 3rd and 4th etc studies !! Hahahaha ada rajin ka ??
Wifey and kids did not have a proper holiday. If it was not for the hectic schedule and my involvement in the awards ; i could have shown them more of the SABAH that i love. Wifey knew about this fact and organized herself to go around KK . It was dissapointing that Promenade was under construction thatthey had to close down the pool for use. Wifey initially planned to have the kids enjoy the hotel fascilities which was obviously absent this time.
We managed to have seafood dinner at he waterfront. It was nice to see the stalls which offered variety of fresh seafood. The food was relatively cheap and because of its freshness .. tasted good! The night market was active the whole night but of course , with three kids around ; it was impossible to have a small moment with wifey here..
With good planning job with Hady , wifey went to Manukan island with the kids. I was unable to join them because of my oral presentation on the 4th of July. Intially it was supposed to be Suraya, Suana and HAdy with wifey. We managed to charter a boat which was convenient and cheap. To my surprise , Edmund , Tie , Wong Usha and Susheela tagged along and they all had a good time by the beach. I must thank all of them for voluntarily looking after my kids during the trip! My upmost gratitude !!
I am glad that wifey and kids enjoyed the holiday eventhough it was suboptimal without my presence most ofthe time. This trip was a learning experience so that we can gauge how to handle holidays with the 3 kids!
Next ACA in 2011 in Manila ?? hehehehe.. mesti la pergi !!!
1 comment:
salam...bang...aduh...macamne jumpa blog aku...memang kenal sangat tu...nice blog...
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