Tuesday, September 06, 2011

House Hunting Job

House Hunting

This is something which I reckon is difficult to do especially when you are on your own. Of course the budget comes as the highest priority but there are a number of factors that should be considered. Especially in Australia, one has to choose it well. Potential tenants are known to be fussy and the owner are careful as well in selecting their renters. Its always scary to imagine a “Michael Keaton of Pacific Heights” to become your tenant! Here in the Aussie world, your complaints are my priority.

I’ve been doing a lot of Net research and scouting around to look for the best place to be at least for one year. It was easy back then in Manchester as there are many people who can suggest and help. You can look almost everywhere for the information. But then again , maybe because it was Student’s City where things are easy for everybody. Currently I am looking for a good place in town , fully furnished. It is suitable for me who’ll be alone here.

Its not easy though to do it. I’ve never been the one who really look into details, scrutinizing and being very meticulous in choosing a place. So far, wifey is the main person doing this. It is sort of a new experience for me. Even before in Manchester, I was only part of the consortium and not the main person who really dwells into details. Its rather expensive to rent in Australia nowadays. Not just for the numbers but when you convert the currency to RM, then you’d realize how much you’ve paid for your monthly rent.

I’m still looking for the best place and I will definitely share my stories of that chapter

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