Friday, July 19, 2013

Going on strong

It is the holy month of ramadhan, A month of celebration but at the same time a remembrance of how we should always be thankful for what we have. We are getting busier in Anaesthesia UiTM but I am thankful that we are progressing as how we should lately. Alhamdulillah, the 5 CABG was done uneventfully and the plan is after Eid, we will do 2 open heart cases per week. Even the thoracic component is going on strong with the few complicated cases that was done.
I am happy but the same time sad that my two initial colleagues, Suraya and Hady are not with us anymore when we started CTS services. We were working for it for about a year when the 3 of us went our separate ways.Don't get me wrong, there was no feud or dissatisfaction but the decision for our own future. I left for Perth, Hady went private and Suraya into business. We had a good thing, the 3 of us but it was not meant to be.I'm sure they would have been proud to see what UiTM Anaesthesia has achieved in this short period.
As much as I can, i do try to maintain my link with Sungai Buloh Hospital Anaesthesia Department. I do feel I can contribute a lot to the development as well as being in touch with the hecticness of KKM hospitals. ICU can be a nightmare to manage but somehow, i do enjoy it. I guess thats why i pledged to do Anaesthesia and it is a part of what makes me today. It can be disheartening to decide on life and death issues but again when i am not oncall as often, i do feel fidgety and loathing for that 1 moment of terror.

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