Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I'm back

The journey of my lifetime. Alhamdulillah, I'm back home now after a long absence on the blogging scene. I went to Makkah on the 12th of September and came back on the 13th of October. One month of my direct dedication to Allah and it was a wonderful experience.I will share with you guys in my coming postings. It was not possible somehow though to blog it in realtime. I guess, I was more keen to be in direct communication with god than with mankind.I twas my only opportunity which should not be wasted in the holy land. 
Am I a changed person/man now? Only time will tell. As the challenge now would be to maintain my istiqamah :) Pray that it'll be easy for me though i know that it will be a challenge!! 

1 comment:

PeRdU cINta said...

In sya Allah..amin Dr...rasa nak istiqhomah itu milik Allah..minta pada DIA..