Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Hmmm..came back from work quite early today. Felt a bit warm.. and ill "ish". switched on the air-cond and i started to shiver. Damn !! So unlike me... and moments later , the febrile body. I'm having fever !! My eyes a bit heavy.. having body aches ( aka myalgia ) and my abdomen felt bloated. No vomiting nor bleeding tendencies though . Hmmmm.. esok nak kena check darah ; dengue scare man. FYI - my ward ; the great P2 was positive for jejentiks !! imagine that , it is in the ward itself we're breeeding Aedes Aegypti and Albopictus !!!Oh.. i'm feeling so ill.

Anyway , tribute to dearest wifey who braved the rain to buy me Bubur McD. Thank you dear. MUahsss.. ( haks.. ni nak super points ni !! ) .Honestly dear, if you're reading this blog ; thank you so much for the bubur. You;re so kind. Well , given the circumstances i would have done the same if i were you.

Feeling really heavy now. God , my mails were full of TEKADmons msgs !! haks.. its the post-TEKAD rush i guess . Hope that this spirit will last!!! Need to go to bed now though.. so tired man.. so tired..Liverpool won yesterday and The matador scored his first goal !! bravo bravo.. Nak menang League cup ni tak lama lagi ? soo any takers to Cardiff ?? hehehehehhe

1 comment:

ikmal said...

Lal,get well soon.We don't want our top TTDI physician to be out of service for too long.Take care