Monday, August 21, 2006

A day trip to Muar..

We went back to Muar on Sunday. Arwah Atuk Abah had left us for exactly one year and the tahlil was organized in conjunction with isra' mikraj.This was also dzaeffran's first long distance trip anywhere in a car ! haks.. We've conditioned him for 9 months in his baby car seat and yesterday's trip was the first real big test ! haks.. Alhamdulillah , he was comfortable and did not cause any problems for us during the 2 hour trip to Muar.

lena diulit mimpi..  Posted by Picasa

u know you're in johor Posted by Picasa

We went out from SS2 early , at about 8am.Being a sunday morning , there were few cars on the road and i enjoyed my speed on the highway. As always , we would stop at the Seremban Petronas station rest area for a quick bite. Unfortunately , we were dissapointed to find out our favourite "PAU" was no longer available. The PAU was our regular snack when we travelled to the south everytime. They've close the counter and replaced it with Dunkin Donuts.. sedih la kejap.. apa la.. kempunan tak makan pau..

Maktuk was happy to see us when we arrived. Of course she was surprised to see how Dzaeff had grown ! I;ve always enjoyed my trip back to Muar because i had a lot of happy memories here. To bring Dzaeffran back was a pleasure and i do hope to do this more often and see dzeffran chase after the chickens one day !! hahaha.. Dzaeffran enjoyed his space and kept crawling here and there exploring the new place. Maktuk's hall was long thus the borderless space for him to chase after.

meriah Posted by Picasa

It was a good gathering. Most of my uncles and aunties turned up as the day goes by. It was good to see everyone again and an enlightening experience for dzaeffran. I felt sad somehow as i was not around when Atuk Abah passed away last year. I was in Singapore and was unable to come down to Muar to atttend his funeral. Maktuk was certainly happy to see most of her children with her yesterday.It was equally heart wrecking to leave her for KL late last night.All KL bound family had to go back as today was a working day. I could have taken the day off today but Wifey could not.

me with my uncle and dzaeff with his !! Posted by Picasa

Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan rezeki , my grandmother. And may she get to see our second offspring in the future...

with the 2 moyangs.. Posted by Picasa

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