Monday, July 25, 2005

24 JUly 2005

first pic of the new cam Posted by Picasa
It was wifeys birthday on the 24th !! oh yeah and it is Dil's birthday too. eppy besday Dil !!!! haks.. i was post call but luckily the call was cold. Had one referral at 5 am but it was a straight forward Acute exarcebation of bronchial asthma. The first place i went to after work was to Secret Recipe. bought the chocolate-banana cake and a bouquet of flowers . haks.. it certainly made her day !! Girls are totally smitten with flowers eih..

After lunch in chillis ( this was our second dine-in in chillis this week !! ) , we went to Mid valley mega mall today as wifey was implying something regarding her present. haks !! Dunno who gave her the idea !! Well , i did promise her before. But the gift must be universal ; which means that i can be use it too !!! There was also this FOTOKEM ( camera ) fair there ; so u notice how convenient eihh...

to dearest.Posted by Picasa

In the middle of bargaining ; wifey suddenly left the sales-person ..takde ribut..takde angin.. haks.. he was utterly confused !! but then , she did that not because of failed bargaining but because of an old friend who passed by.. It was RINA MEILENEE .. ! haks.. the A-level Batch mate we last met like 6 years ago !! haks.. it was good to see her again. She's currently working with khazanah and recently married !! haks.. dunno why lor.. been meeting BUX'ians more and more each day.. ari tu Syida ...

Anyway , we have a new digicam now ! haks.. the Olympus m-digital series !! haks.. It cost me a fortune but for wifey.. ok lor.. haks.. don't laugh aarr... Now , i don't have to depend on my mum's digicam for digital shots !! the cam looks good and i will definitely utilize it well. MAybe some pics of HKL GICU ?? hehehehe

new cam Posted by Picasa

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