Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Another heart-warming visit

assalamualaikum world..  Posted by Picasa

Wifey and I went for our routine antenatal visit with our alternative consultant in TTDI today.I am on the PM shift ; so i was able to follow today. Usually she'll go with her mum as it is quite difficult for me to get leave for the visit.

Wonders of 3d ultrasound scan Posted by Picasa

It was really heart warming to see the baby moving actively !!tak berhenti2.. haks.. dunno whether it is a reflection of things to come ! We failed to get a good picture, baby refused to stand still for the camera ! hahahaha.. Alhamdulillah everything looks good so far. the mass has shrunk apparently.Funnily though this is not the case when we visit Baskaran. Still praying hard that things will turn ok this time.Only time will tell..

praying to Allah..  Posted by Picasa

p/s very happy to see wifey smiling all the way....