Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Birthday daze..

woit..marilah dtg makan kek Posted by Picasa

Apa nak cerita hari ni eks ? haks..

went to Izreen's wedding last nite in Merak Kayangan with mum. My dad was away in Colombia so i guess mama wanted somebody to accompany her. Why me is the question that wifey asked frequently. tak puas hati lah tu.. haks.. Anyway it was a kewl wedding ; the food was good and the entertainment was excellent. I've always enjoyed going to weddings. We sat with mama's old classmates from Muar. HAks.. there is this one loud auntie who was very kewl.. but guess what was the main agenda discussed during dinner ? politics ? UMNO ? nooo.. it was about Akademi Fantasia !!! haks.. and i reckon they are the main contributors to the wealth gained by mobile phone companies ! She admitted that she spent RM1000 to vote for Keifli !! HAKS.. lawak tul ah..

bunga-bunga cinta Posted by Picasa

Work today was a bit relaxing and less stressful as the two main bosses are away. Both attending various conferences around the world ! haks.. Bahaya gak relax2 cam ni.. but i guess when you get the non-intesivist to administer , it is less intense !!! I still have to study for my ACLS on friday and saturday.. tapi tadi baca sikit dah ngantuk... haks.. i dunno how i;m going to do my masters...