Sunday, December 17, 2023

Jalan2 Korea Selatan Part 2

Going to Seoul without going to Myeong Dong tak sahlah😊 But going there 2 times to shop was definitely not in the plan. My itenary would have been the go to as many places as you can type of thing! Haha But when you have wifey who is into shopping so one has to adjust one’s plan😆
When i told my kids they instantly said “Oohh.. situ..” haha Ive not been a keen on Korea before (Maybe Squid Games, 100 and another violent game show) haha And when I saw the MD Street food it was a revelation of the stuff you find in our own pasar malam now. Trending la tu hahaha Boleh la pulak whilst walking in the street, suddenly there were barrage of fans waiting for their KPOP star coming out from a shoe store. I just waited lah.. Dunno who really hahah

The famous Busan Jib.. the bbq tak sempat rasa
    Btul2 belasah
       Mesti lalu lah
My food guide was from the vlogs i searched on the net. Totally cool lah these resources so we know where to go. However the apps that I was using did not really show these halal makan places. I had to depend on the crowd.. Nampak melayu jalan then we followed haha survival skills😆
And of course, when in Korea do Korean things. After a night jalan2 jauh out, treated myself to facial spa by wifey😆😆😆😆

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