Tuesday, August 03, 2021

The education initiative: Intensive care for non intensivist in Covid ICU

It was supposed to be a small affair. Perhaps only a virtual talk to the new HPKK MOs who are coming in droves to open up more critical beds in HPKK. SOmehow, it became a viral thingy where it was up in even my mum's Whatsapp group? (Like what?? )
I must congratulate this lot for their initiative and perhaps the most congested zoom session we ever had. The youtube live viewers were consistently more than 1.5k in the 8 hours of streaming? Bayangkan.
I had to wake up early as 5 am  here is 830am in Malaysia. Keranamu Malaysia and luckily there were no cases during that time.
Alhamdulillah, Glad that I was involved in this sharing session and hopefully it would bring benefit and some guidance to the newbies (yang terpaksa) on the job.

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