Friday, May 31, 2024

The Gaza Mission Part Deux

Apologies again for the sudden silence after initially barging through with multiple posts within a short time. I have now garnered enough strength and time to now jot this down. A trip which was dreamt 10 years ago realized in 2024. It was with the unfortunate event affecting our brothers and sisters in Gaza that this time around somehow I was given the rezq to enter the blessed state.
Yes the genocide which is still ongoing for 8 months now. You wonder how could something like this happen in the current "modern and civilized" mentality that we proudly proclaim. It is obvious how we are duped and in the end, it is the fate and behaviour of mankind. For generations till eternity. Its all mentioned clearly in Quran about humanity in general. 

I will definitely write more on the experience. Slowly per post of the act, the movement, the emotions. It was overwhelming. It was sad to leave the place when it was due and one wishes one could do more. We still don/t know what will be the endgame to this massacre - but rest assured we do know where all of this events are heading to.

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