Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Being 48.. Im really 48?

After a long hiatus yet again, Im back on this page again. Apologies once more for leaving this blog cog-webbed as the motivation to jot my life experiences came to yet to another halt. Its definitely not the writer's block as one can always be in front of one's laptop/PC and write what you have in mind! All this is important but somehow the motivation is not how it was 10-15 years ago.
It is sad that till today - nothing has changed the conditions in Gaza. The world had really forsaken them; more than 365 days of genocide and annihilation went on systematically wiping them off the earth. Its amazing in the so called civilized world today we allow what would have been a norm thousands of years ago to continue. We called our ancestors barbarians.. uncivilized.. but what we let happen today is no different from what it was before. It is so sad to acknowledge this fact.

Many things had happened since my last posting. I do hope to be able to review all the happenings retrospectively - as this blog should serve as my journal of happenings. Its interesting when I wanted to refer something from before - I checked on my blog to confirm the timeline :)

Hence why I am jotting this down today as I've reached another milestone in life. Tomorrow will be my 48th birthday!! (Gregorian year lah) And like whoooaa.. I'm going to be 50 in 2 years time? Masha Allah! Subhanallah! 

Thank you to Allah for giving me all the opportunities as well as all that he has given me. 48 years bro! Thats how long it has been so far and imagine, when I used to see the uncles and aunties.. and I am now one of them!! Tua gila !! I've taken the day off from work tomorrow - something rare for myself as usually I would just work as usual. I do celebrate my birthday each year myself or with the family but this year, on my birthday I figured that why not just take the day off and reflect on my life thus far. 

MAFEITZERAL MAMAT... Welcome to no 48 :)

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