Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The previous post

Somehow , my previous post was published in Malaysiakini today.

It was edited therefore the letter sounds a bit different. Well , thats how people vet things going through .

Well, at least i have one publication this year.


shark said...

if what you say is tue, if we are that racially biased and divided, how come quite a few politicians who are chinese and indians have secured thosands of votes in malay dominated areas against malay politicians? race may be different but we have many unifying factors. heard of the ali boys? they were a group of very successful malay and indian robbers until PDRM put and end to their career. we can work together, many of us do work togwther everyday. screw the polititicos who use the race card to gain votes, the rakyat knows better

mafeitz said...

thank you for your comments.I do agree with you that we have a lot of common ground to work on with and it can happen !!

In politics anything goes as long as you gain votes. In malay dominated areas where BN are contesting with non malay candidates ; voters are asked to vote for the party and not the individual. The malay leaders will be the one campaigning hard to get the votes ; and trust me the sentiments are played again and again. It is unfortunate that in the rural areas , the voters mindset are moulded in such a form to not accept a diverse Malaysia concept.

Then again , in town areas where chinese are dominant , there is no way a malay can win - opposition rules in this genre and guess what issues are played during their campaign and rallies ? Down with oppression ? Stop discrimination ? Article 151 / 152 ?

What Pak Lah highlighted in the mass media regarding the Penang issue is an interesting development on the rot that had been left and ignored thus far.