Its the exams month. THose in the final year are dreading the thought of passing their last exams of their life , while the beginners of the programme ( Mostly year 1 ) , will be wondering why did they continue studying ! My department is only half strength ; therefore the lack of workforce and hence the busy schedule of OT list and continuous on calls. But hey , I am not complaining ! In fact , I enjoy my calls !! ( a bit weird here... )
I'm freaked out really.. cause mine will this November and I have yet to pick up my momentum. Its the age i guess , the concentration power is less and my body easily fatigued when facing my reading materials.If you ask me to jog , Somehow the power returns but when it is time to hit the books , entah apa pasal tah... Hahahahaha !! MY study plan is so half hearted that I am feeling very worried now ; thinking can I finish my reading by August before my intensive course ? Waahh... dah cuak dah ni.. heart pounding etc.. I hate exams you know !!!
Well , I'm writing this out on my blog sort of to motivate myself. I suppose , one way to do it is to tell the world what I've been studying .. or maybe i can teach online.. on my blog ?? Hahaha.. as if i have the time... :)
Here's something to motivate you further - arrrghhhh menyesal tak habis baca semua nota 25 kali before exam aku ni... Better make sure u get to do it before yours...Hehehe
This anaes blogging thingy started to look like a secret ninja society with the cap & mask etc...
Hihih how's dis for motivation, u better start study or we end up in 1 batch :) jahatnyer aku kui kui
Ninja cool dudes eih.. haks.. thanx guys for the encouragements!
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