It was 3 am in the morning and I had one emergency caesarean to do for fetal distress. We were quite busy with 4 OTs running at that same time for various really dire emergencies.
"OT mana staff nurse ?" 12...
So i slowly walked to my OT to set up ; checking my machine and preparing my drugs before my patient arrives. With 4 OTs running and mine being the 5th , there are not many staff for me to work with..
"Mana monitor saya ? "
"Tu.. Dr... "
" Haaa... kita still pakai machine ni ke ? ni tahun berapa punya machine ?"
" Boleh Dr... Ot ni biasalah... " referring to OT 12 which is used mostly for LA eye cases..
It was the old green coloured monitor ; you know the 70's series using the sine/cosine waves osciloscopes...
Can't believe I am half way through year 2007.....
I'm off to the Mt Bah Gading trip tonight !! yea.. yea... for the excitement , but will I be Ok on Monday for work ?? hehehehehe...
Jangan pancit sudah la dokterrr... ;-P
I'm expecting some nasty action on your caesarean case tu.. potong stim betoi..
anyway d green monitor is darn funny though
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