Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Another year coming to an end

I have not done justice to this blog. I guess since the day our maid called and decided not to return from her holidays it has been a haphazard life. Wifey became very stressed that she had changed the definition of stress Haha I was busy myself with work as suddenly there was a surge of cases. Its the end of the year and lots of people are trying to maximize their benefits. I had a run of midnight epidurals and caesarean sections; uncommon in my hospital so far but i guess that is how life is. Kalau tiap-tiap hari macam tu, then hmm.. kena relook at my life goals! haha 
Its the 30th today and in two days time, according to the Gregorian calendar we will be moving on to the next cycle of life. 2015 was certainly the year where I recalculated my life goals especially with the hajj trip. The last 2 months became an eye opener to the meaning of life. Seeing wifey's cousin in battle with cancer at a young age is overwhelming. I cannot imagine the things that she has to go through, and of course her dear Hubby, Azad my good friend. I honestly don't know if i am to be in his shoes, to be doing what he has done so far. The sacrifice, the pain.. masha Allah. I may have encountered patients with a similar state and condition, but as now it is happening close to me; it feels surreal that i maybe able to think what should be done, whether I can really do it if I am the one. 
What will it be in 2016? For whatever it is, Allah has already have everything in plan.

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