Thursday, March 10, 2005

The New Atmosphere

some OT somewhere... but HKL's better

Today ; i stepped into the "NEW" OT of HKL....Its 2nd day of life..sort of another good introduction of Anaesthesia practice for me. If any of you knows HKL's history ; it is actually the OLD OT which renovation took like 5 YEARS TO COMPLETE ????!!!! I really dont understand the absolute CRAPNESS of HKL surviving the last 5 years -using the makeshift ; storeroom interior standard Operating theatres situated in A&E !! The so called MOBILE OT became like NON-MOBILE for the past 5 years !!! ANd i wondered and wondered then.. is this THE Tertiary centre of Malaysia ? The best most modern sophisticated hospital in Malaysia ??

Today i got my answer. Wow.. the new refurbished OT is really kewl. We have 13 OTs inside ; each complete and independent. KEWL GILA BABENG !! I was so impressed with the layout that one can actually be lost inside it if you're not good with directions. Nantilah , when i have a digital cam i will snap few pictures for viewing. I like the induction room ; just before entering OT . macam real jer.. hehehe but there;s still no HOT WATER.. like i almost froze while scrubbin !@! Now i can safely say that HKL's the best hospital in Malaysia !! hehehehe But it was so cold today in the OT.. like 14oC??? My fingers went Raynaud !! hehehe

Did Orthopaedics cases today. Manage to execute SPINAL ANAESTHESIA .. kewl giller , not that difficult though - just like LUmbar puncture. YEAH !! berjaya.. hehehe the second case was LMA - and it is much simpler than intubation. Well , My Specialist today was the kewl Dr Anil ; who taught me quite a lot today. But the Surgeons overshot their time-limit and i went back after 5 pm. hehehehe Ok la kan , considering during my medical days going back at 5 pm is a rarity !!

Liverpool won 3-1 yesterday and i am very happy for that. Haks.. i hate this you know ; when we start to hope and you'd know the next time they will hurt you so much.. hehehe Liverpool tul laah.. but i really do hope that they'll do well in Champions League.. tolong lah.. *smile*

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