Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A bloody experience

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Reading Najmiah's Najmiah's blog regarding how her patient desaturated on her ; it is a real risk that all anaesthetist face daily. I can really understand the event ; how we feel like its the longest time of our life and how the patient sort of deteriotating as fast as they could !! Sakit jantung woo.. I have had my fair share of events which teaches me a lot in practising safe anaesthesia..( tu la pasal nak on call banyak2... haks.. )

Yesterday.. well , early this morning was another episode. I was in the general OT , doing my laparotomy for ruptured ectopic when Lim KY , the specialist on-call - came into my Ot and asked me to go to MAternity OT. haks.. well , being quite a distance from our main block and it was at 2 am in the morning, I would be the most suitable candidate to go ! Jon ( another colleague of mine ) was having problems with the ongoing caesarean which is turing out bad . Post-Partum haemorrhage !! The patient was bleeding profusely and he certainly needed help.. I know that if it was Saleh , Shih Pei , Azrin.. they would go and see the patient. But opportunities like this.. should not be missed..

After walking in the dark for more than 10 minutes ; i arrived in Maternity OT. Alvince was doing the op and he was shouting away.. cursing his staff to sort out things for him. Hoe was there too assisting him. The monitor showed her heart rate tachycardic.. 150 /min with BP maintaining somehow.. Jon was busy pushing in fluids literally..

I looked on the floor.. 10 fully soaked abdominal packs were on the floor with a full 2L sucker container . Damn.. gile banyak bleeding. The patient was shivering-cold , she was wide awake ; having only spinal anaesthesia witholding her pain as the procedure was not suppose to be this way. She was a 39 year old indon.. Para5.. the baby was already out long time ago.. Alvince was struggling to find the source of bleed. I helped Jon to sort out catching up the fluids.. pushing the 6 pints of blood.. laju giller.. haks.. In the end , Alvince managed to block the bleeder but she was oozing.. damn.. DIVC. transfuse lagi.. giller.. i dunno if she can stand all this input and transfusion reaction was possible.

Alvince was whistling Malaysia Berjaya.. being sarcastic to the patient having saving her life. haks.. i know he always has something with foreigners. She was then suppose to go to ICU , as there was no bed available ; her monitoring will bei n PACu in the general OT. I saw her a bit uncomfortable and asked her why.. her saturation pre transport actually dropped.. listened to the lungs.. damn.. dah nak APO la pulak.. well, shoving in 12 L of fluids can be a bit to much isn;t it.. haks.. tickled her with a lasix and she poured out and became comfortable. This morning when i left her , she seemed alright.. i reckon she would be fit to be sent to the maternity HDW.. haks.

well , though it felt like my heart dropping from top of KLCC , it was good. I dunno.. usually in the morning post call , i have this endorphine.. a feel good feeling .. haks.. pelik tak? gile apee..

1 comment:

scrubber said...

i know exactly what that 'gile apa' feelign at the end of the shift. Incredible high.