I was officially a second year post graduate student on the 1st of June. Started off that with a one day break ; haks.. I only knew why i needed the break after enduring my first 2 days on the night shift in the resuscitation zone of the Accident and Emergency department. Although it was just for 10 hours ( 10pm - 8am ) It was ONE HELL of a shift !!!!
Remember scenes from ER where the patient pushed in by paramedics or the ambulance , and doctors with nurses rushing to them ? Well , imagine now not doctors.. but ONLY me the doctor attaining the patient! Yes , there is only one doctor stationed in the resus area and because I am from the Anesthesia team - I am expected to be competent enough to provide the immediate acute care ! A challenge which I am trying to take it positively...
I was on my feet the whole of that 10 hours ! haks.. PAtients keep coming in from everywhere. Fresh trauma .. upper GI bleed ... Myocardial Infarction.. Intracerebral bleed... you name it ! I've learned more management of trauma in the last 2 nights alone !! These unfortunate ones ; they sometimes arrive at the same time ; thus forcing me to do 2ndary triage and attend which was more urgent. I was totally flabbergasted I must say !! haks !! It was in a way ..hmm.. ( macam psycho pulak bagitau macam ni ) ..chaotic fun... heks at the same time , stressing your heart and mind so much that immediately after the shift you feel so much weight relieved !!!
Saturday night was the ACS ( Acut Coronary Syndrome ) night... and Sunday night was Hari APO ( Acute Pulmonary Oedema ) day... hahahaha.. and the nurses are labelling me as the "jonah" who needs to "mandi bunga" !!! hahahaha...
oh dr m!! I don't know that you're related to the simpsons... :)
i just love their dysfunctional family - not your family, i am sure!
Hahahahaha !! I adore them too !!
Nanti jom la pergi tengok premiere...
Jonah? hey, you using this term also ah???
how exciting la your life (and stressful too, dealing with other's life), just remember to get enough rest, if you continue to soldier on alone for the next 3 months with 10 hours at 5 days week, i bet you will lose loads of weight!
Hey Mafeitz ... it's Nav here ..from IMU. I was your leftback in the M2/98 football team :)
Apa khabar kawan? ... lama tak dengar!
Are you doing anaesthetics as well? Cool.
Email me at acacia_avenue@yahoo.com ... would be great to catch up when i come home for hols.
Cheers, Nav.
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