Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A year older..

the symbol.. Posted by Picasa

Yups.. my birthday was yesterday . 24th of October ; coincidentally it is also the official Sultan Pahang's birthday. If i am in Pahang , it'll always be a holiday on my birthday !!

Next year i will be 30. Wow.. that old huh ? Just felt as if i just finished my SPM yeterday . Time flies very fast. 10 years ago , i can still remember my ideals and enthusiasm .. Carpe diem.. sieze the day !! Bring it on !! haks.. how naive can we be huh ? But that is life ; we learn as we go through the cycle . Making decisions , choosing options and mending mistakes. Only Allah knows what is in store for us through qada' and qadar.

I'm not sure my achievement so far in life is as how it should be. True ; we have our own lineage and direction with lots of options during each intersection. Imagine , how god determined our life cycle ; a complicated MIND MAP with lots of path which brings to different consequences and outcome. The path we take may not be the one planned but it will always be for the best. Well , that is my principle and how i put it to logic.

pondering.. Posted by Picasa

Some say.. life is about marriage and creating the new generation.At the same time , juggling career and your own desires along the way. What say i ? hmm.. 29 years of roller coaster can sometimes be exhilarating and noxious at the same time. I really believe that hardship is important ; as it creates your personality. Its not about the physical hardship alone ; emotional hardship moulds one's soul. Its not easy coping with your own feelings ; especially when you feel alone and in despair . Regardless what the reason maybe ; lost , failure , arguments.. Of course , one turns to god when one is in despair but having to tell yourself that you're ok ' you're doing fine will be the hardest thing to do..

But life will not be lively if we don't live it to the fullest. I believe that being positive even if you're in your lowest moments help. Accepting our failures and move on . We cannot live regretting our past decisions !! Totally absurd and nonsense !! Haks..

Well , just my 200 rupiah worth of thought ; maybe my new generating neuron.. or is it the diminishing one ? haks.. Anyway , Happy birthday to myself la eks.. Wanted to write this yesterday after having my worst ever birthday meal !!! It was not to be until i have this brand new monitor in front of me !!!

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