Sunday, January 22, 2006

Making the issue one's gain

Its funny really - the turnout of events in the country for the past 1 week.( refer to my earlier posts ) You wonder whether our leaders in the so called "united-front" speak to each other in length about pressing issues. They do meet up weekly and mingle with each other ; but it is obvious that the "suspiciousness" between us are still present and hot even at higher level.

It was obvious on Wednesday on tv and internet posts that the "review" memo by the 9 ministers will be submitted on thursday.A thinking leader should have noticed and try to intervene behind the door before media blows it out of proportion.

And for obvious reasons ; i suppose people with self-interest objectives only jumped on the issue when PM commented on Friday.Everybody was trying to be the champion and hero .. showing off their "guts" with statements of moderation and critisism. It makes you wonder more.. do they really know what are they talking about and are they really sincere in upholding the fundamental principles of this country? Honestly , it nauseates me ; it is absolute disaster when those who are absolutely daft about islamic principles speak up and defend it.. Its just a mockery to the religion and system. No wonder the non-muslims are confused and i would not blame them in questioning the constitution.

And like how i expected it to be , on Saturday the 9 ministers retracted the memo sent earlier , succumbed to the so called " in the name of national unity" spirit and admitted their "over-eagerness" for PM to address the issue. Therefore , the need of the memo in the first place ??? Somehow , i feel that this is part of the conspiracy theory to tarnish Pak Lah image and his inconsistencies in how he deals issues. .. ( but that is just a hunch. )

At the end of the day , its not just up to the PM or the cabinet to solve this issue. It is actually us , Malaysian muslims or not. We should take full responsibility to answer and discuss these questions ; to explain and to tell what it is all about , what the teaching and hikmah of Islam. When we do not practice it well ourselves , how are we to show to the non muslims the beauty and advantages ? Who would believe or try to understand when we ourselves don't walk the talk. (Well , i'm telling myself here as i myself may at times "tergelincir" lah sikit..hehehhe.. ). We should make all the effort to understand this issue so that when people ask us in the public.. we would not be embarrased or look stupid and we call ourselves the "tuan" of this country..