Sunday, January 15, 2006

Post vaccination

tepid sponging.. Posted by Picasa

We brought baby Dzaeff to the clinic yesterday for his 2nd month immunization. For the first time , i bathed him and it was a wonderful experience. He's definitely grown as he kept pushing himself as if swimming while in the tub. I should bring him to the swimming pool soon. They say that its good for the baby ..

Dzaeffran weighed 5.7kg on the scale. 1.7 kg rise for 1 month. Not bad for full breast feeding growth !! haks.. No wonder he can't fit into his small sized diapers which kept leaking when he poohs a lot !! haks...

He slept soundly after the DPT / HiB injection. He looked ok and i had to go off to work that afternoon. At about 5 pm , wifey called and informed me that dzaeffran had a temperature. 39.5oc !! He was irritable and shrieking haks.. She panicked and shoved in stat rectal voltaren to the baby. I think she overdosed him as he went quiet straight away !! haks..

Well.. baby Dzaeffran;s first fever i guess. Wifey was certainly worried about him but he is ok. It is normal for babies to have fever after the DPT immunisation ; a known side effect.

the culprit Posted by Picasa

Moderate reactions to the DPT vaccine occur in 0.1% to 1.0% of children and include ongoing crying (for three hours or more), a high fever (up to 105 degrees F), and an unusual, high-pitched crying. It is usually due to the P component of the vaccine : Pertussis. What they did was to inactivate the bordetella pertussis bacteria and put the whole cell into the baby. This is the commonest form of vaccine that everybody uses. There are a lot of case reports concerning its worst case scenario side effects but it is only a small fraction.

However , they have developed a safer pertussis vaccine which is acellular ; in english it means having just the important components of the bacteria to stimulate the baby's memory immune system. It is available in Malaysia but definitely MORE EXPENSIVE . not the normal tetracoq that is available in KKM and clinics in Malaysia. For more information , you can click on to the WHO infopage

Well , we have another 2 vaccination sessions at 3 and 5 months to complete the DPT HiB immunization !! so.. kena jaga-jaga ah kalau dia demam !!!