Arriving home at 10pm was not taken well by wifey. hehehehe.. Well , at least i came back on time because the flight to Langkawi was the next day. My body was aching at this time and I just realized that.. gile ape buat sume benda ni ? Hahahah.. I was jeopardizing the long awaited family holiday... It was the first time for me , wifey , dzaeff and qaisya going for holiday together..
We arrived in Subang at 8.30am and it was during the car ride that the Firefly staff called to tell us that our flight was delayed. Hmmm... wifey was a bit pissed then. It was Ok to expect Air Asia to delay their flights , dah murah kan what do you expect.. I guess MAS has to ensure they are better at this aspect to convert the religious Air Asia followers..
The Fokker 50 flight was alright and I enjoyed the flight. It was small and I guess it was much easier for the pilots to handle. Dzaeff and Qaisya enjoyed the flight too and my worry of them shrieking and in fear was baseless. Dzaeff was in fact impatient to board the flight that he was the first person to queue ! He sat in front of the counter hoping to run straight to the plane when he gets his chance !!
We arrived in Langkawi ; rented a SENTRA and went straight to Holliday Villa. Its just the week before school holidays ; the bargains that we got waspretty cheap ! Spent the evening at the swimming pool and of course the beach ! Qaisya certainly surprised me with her antiques and surpassed my expectations ! She was very independent and really enjoyed her beach experience
We went Island hopping the next day ; Pulau Dayang Bunting , Pulau Singa Besar and Beras Basah. Dzaeff by this time was not feeling well , and it was obvious that he got easily upset .It was nice to visit this places and the tag GEOPARK for Langkawi is justifiable. I enjoyed the Eagle feeding session a lot.
We went up Bukit Mat Cincang via the cable car and the view was majestic !!! Subhanallah.. It was electrifying and a wonder to be able to enjoy this nikmat. It is certainly a must go attraction of Langkawi. I wonder with the current global warming and disasters all around the world , whether i would live to see all this beauty of nature again.
It was a worthwhile trip ; having holiday with the family unit is much much different ! Lots of expectations should be lowered and the fun of this trip was seeing their eyes glow whenever you expose them to something they've never thought about..
Waahh... manyak penat ooo...
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