Its 12.30am now.. I'm in the ICU consultants room. So far , it had been uneventful. The day was not so busy but i had to do a lot of travelling today ; accompanying patients to OT , to scans , asking for urgent appointments.. did not go for any referral yet. My current team is very helpful and cover each other well. I am glad that i am in this pool for ICU posting.
Beds are full , and i cant transfer patient out. I dunno why patients are so bad.. i mean we do extubate them , but somehow they are not that well to be discharged. The patient we sent out early morning yesterday was transfered in later in the afternoon ! Imagine having a 17 bed ICU for a 1500 bedded hospital ?? True.. Neuro , Uro , and Paeds have their own ICU , but the bulk of the patient is referred here ! ICu care is one thing , but post ICU care .. its just a bit appauling. Patients either deteriorate and die , or survive with careful care . It was unfortunate the other day , when one of our patients died memrely 24 hours after being discharged from ICU. a 24 year old man , recovering from Malathione poisoning , but was tracheed as he had lots of secretions which he could not cough out well. I reckon , he died in the ward because of the congested secretion in his trache... My boss was not all too happy about it..
A friend's wife recently discovered that her husband had another relationship before they got married. She was really distressed about it. However , the husband actually ended the relationship becuase he wanted the the wife thus marrying her.He had always yearn for her , but because their relationship went on such a roller coaster ; with unwarranted words said during their heated arguments , he wasn't sure where they were heading. The wife thought that this was such a betrayal as she said that it may had altered the decision of marriage then. According to my friend , he only wanted her and the other relationship was not serious at all.Alas , the ongoing big fuss about the matter. Interesting isn't it ?
Things happen , and will always be for a reason. Regardless whether it was good or bad , there must be something behind governed by qada and qadar. Though i am not the pious amongst men , but i do believe that god is great and full of revelation.
Different environment and different ways of life makes different perception and different standards. It is important that one has all the information and experience before judging and making decisions. Though our knowledge will always be limited ; but the best decision made then should be followed through and not regretted later.
I've always believe that one should follow one's instinct and always know what one wants.. Never compromise.. One does not have to satisfy others for the sake of the other , but has to satisfy one's need first. If this is not fulfilled , then the unsatisfactory factor will come in , making one's life about WHAT IFS.. be truthful to oneself.. if one can accept the other as he or she is , accept with no questions asked. but if one cannot tolerate , the moment one cannot , then do not tolerate. Just say no. Marriage is about how both parties solve the problems that comes about and not about fullfilling promises . Success depends on the mechanism of coping with intra-marital problems and deal with it. Not looking back in anger..
tah apa-apa mengarut.. well , it's so early in the morning. I was summoned to intubate a patient in ward 23 . the Medical MO was unsuccesful in her attempts hence my presence was needed.HOWEVER... No portable ventilator available.. she's not a good candidate for ICU ; Liver cirrhosis with pancytopaenia who collapsed most likely encephalopathy , i suppose they have to bag till morning. I was in the middle of writing the above piece when the nurses came to the door and told me there was a phone call... before that it was the desaturating patient in the burns ICU.. .. the patient aspirated loorr.. on ETT somemore..drowned on his secretions..
Well , the REAL reason i was on the net DURING MY CALL was because of an assignment. My consultant told me to have a look on Chiladitis syndrome whom one of our patient is having. Currently he;s so difficult to wean off even on the trache mask and she wanted to know whether the syndrome has anything to do with his respiratory embarrasment.
Hmmm.. mana nak carik ni..
P/S mak ai.. pening nye kepalaku ini sekrang..