17 November 2012, Alhamdulillah with my fellow OGKL members summitted Kosciuszko! It was an enjoyable trip and the one that i have been waiting for since early this year. In fact, i bought the Return KL-Sydney ticket early because i never thought i'd be extending my stay in Perth!
Took the Qantas flight from Perth to Sydney and I must say, after being a loyal customer of air asia for travels, I have forgotten how it feels like to travel in a premium airline. Eventhough it was domestic, the full package was there ie food, entertainment and pillows to sleep on during the 4.5 hours flight!
I arrived in Sydney too early, at about 6am and waited for the team to arrive from KL at 12 noon! I have indeed explored Sydney airport and i now know where one would like to be if being in this airport for that amount of time.. hahaha
The whole team arrive and it was a mini reunion for multiple trips i had with them before; Deeno,Saf, Apip, Eryn,Taha Kak Ana, Uncle Appa, Abemu ( i know how he got that name.. haha) PAk Am and of course the beauty of doing an OGKL trip is you get to meet new people. I was introduced to Arif, Abg Yusof, Fakhrul, Sabri, Naim, Nora, SQZ & Arnie.
After a bit of tough negotiations to get our transport, we were on our way to Thredbo which was 600+ km away.. Perrghh.. jauh tu nak drive.. hahaha I was the designated GPS reader and off we were in our three SUVs.Honestly, we only really started at 5pm after the stop in Bankstown to shop for our breakfast and maann.. we were soo late! The route can be confusing at times as I was new to the Navman GPS and with twist and turn, we went down all the way to Canberra before heading to Thredbo.
We arrived in our place of stay for the night really late! And after a wholesome meal of my own recipe for pasta hahaha (sorry ek sapa yg tak dapat.. tak sangka lak org makan sampai menjilat pinggan!) ; a briefing was done by Apip with a bit of taaruf before off everyone went for sleep. The temperature was really cold as it was 0 when we arrived :)
Woke up in a bit of rush in the morning as i was to prepare the fried rice as well as the pitta tuna for the climb! Managed to do it in time thanks to the ultimate service of nasi microwave! haha
The chairlift which brings us halfway to the top started early that day because of a MTB downhill tournament happening and that made our movement faster. We were up and ready at the Thredbo chairlift and off we went! I literally slept all the way on my way to the end because of the sleep deprivation! hahaha The trek to the top is nothing to shout about; Toolbrunup and Bluff Knoll is more of a challenge, but hey.. even Kinabalu is a simple trail and it is the highest peak in SEA!

There was still snow covering the pathway, and that brought joy to most of the contingent! Playing and feeling the snow was the main theme! Everybody seemed to enjoy the weather as eventhough it was freezing cold, the wind did not make it worse. By noon, everybody in the team summitted and the shout of joy! Woohooo.. top of Australasia.. tak la tinggi but to be in another Continent :) that is an achievement.. in a way.. thanks to Air Asia.. haha Surprisingly, my pitta became a super hit as everybody was hungry and the tuna mayonaise mix was delicious! hahaha
It was great fun and of course, the saying of its about the journey, and not the destination does hold its say :) Thank you OGKL for this trip and i certainly enjoyed the company and the adventure that comes with it! Tak susah pun nak sampai puncak so i do encourage those in Aussie to do this! Seriously... bila lagi ? :)