Saturday, June 28, 2008

Accessible from UMMC !!

I am on call today ; doing CRASH call . Its 12pm now and so far its a bit too quiet. I did not have any referral nor many ventilated patients to see as yet. Don't speak too soon eih ? Hahahaha Its always a "pantang" and some do adhere to it religiously on not talking about how your call is doing when you are on call !
I met Ervan in the neuromedical today ; his dad was admitted when I went to Palembang. Alhamdulillah he looked well and of course , very anxious and keen to go back home! His mum asked me about Palembang !! I guess Ervan told her mum about my keen views on Indonesia after visiting the country.

I had a long OT yesterday , went back home at 8pm. Initially I only had a suprasellar tumour removal to do but Prof Vicky added a craniopharygioma cyst removal at about 2pm. Initially my Prof thought we could be done by 5 pm but because he was doing it in an unconventional way ( I cannot reveal ; it was history in the making !! ) therefore , we went overboard ! I didn't mind though because it was my first day in oT after a week's lay off.
And as I was going through my email , i tried my luck logging on to facebook and my wiki-page ! To my surprise.. Waahhh.. I can browse those sites now ! I guess UM has been more lenient and decided to allow these sites to be accessed ! Hurraahh ! Now I can hang about the computer during my on call !! ( I'm such an Internet addict @nerd , aren't I ?? )

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