History was made today with the debate between the current government's representative against the opposing arm ( more over the Opposition head ! ) . It was telecast live and the whole Malaysia was watching. To those who rarely switch on to tv9 , tonite was the nite ! Ratings went up the roof woo..following the angkasawan trail ! Too bad we only had cheap commercials during the intermission !
I have to agree with Rockybru's comments. I thought that the debate was a step forward. It was the american style ; certainly looked fair and its the issues we should assess.It was up to the speakers to open our minds in dissecting the arguments. Both speakers did not go overboard or emotional ( kalau Ibrahim Ali vs Karpal Singh habis dah... ) and tried as much as possible to be factual . However , politicians will always be politicians and we cannot expect them to speak as academicians in economics. DSAI certainly had the advantage because of his flair on stage in experience , but Shabery Chik manage to brush it off and equally confident to rebut. Although at times he was merely attacking DSAI , his efforts were commendable. I did find DSAI startled a bit in the beginning , don't think he is nervous with the crowd but i reckon more of trying to be factual rather than his usual rhetorical style. But of course, we are still in the stonehenge age of politics ; it was obvious in the way both parties argued which just cannot run from the " wtf are you talking about ?? " hahahaha
We should continue this trend and i urge the youth division from both sides to actively organize such debates. Its the way forward to become more mature ; and self conduct - control is the key factor which I still reckon a bit dodgy when we speak along racial lines. Don't think we are ready for that yet though...
No sore thumbs anymore eih..
wtf! I was having my lunch when i saw that soar thumb!! That is sick bro... and is that white stuff sticking out the bone?
Ya wish to have more debates in the near future. It'll just show whether the politicians have real "contents" or not=)
Anyway my first visit here..nice to meet you=)
dil : bro.. i'll drop it in your lunch/dinner next time..
darren : thanx bro.. i'll link up ur blog with mine eih..
bang oi....itu ibu jari sapaer punya...industrial accident...the clean cut suggest it was done by some pressing machine punya cutter.
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