I was just about to begin my session with the Neuro ICU nurses , when my phone rang. The Sister in charge was keen for me to give a talk or two regarding ICU topics to her nurses. I have no problem sharing what i know , so it was not something i don't like to do !!
Anyway back to the story ; my Neurosurgery colleague asked for my help from the CT scan room. Apparently the little boy could not sit still and was very agitated. What do you expect from a 3 year old going through the CT scanner ? My colleague has given enough midazolam and he didn't know what to do next.
Of course , ketamine is the next best choice but only anaesthetists can have access and administer it. I had to abandon my "class" for a while and went down to give a hand.
To my surprise , both the parents were my counterparts from other departments and i know them well. And only that, it triggered me ; we had discussed the young boy's brain CT scan in the ward. There is a big mass in the brain discovered ; and it was only the day before that this fact was known. Masya Allah.. I was a bit stunned because the picture is not convincing ! But i continued to smile and calm their little precious one down with my "magic" drug..
Honestly , i cannot imagine being in their shoes. Having your child growing well , no problems or whatsoever. Suddenly , presented with a short history which seemed like what any other normal child would. Wham.. a smack in the head when imaging investigation showed your child having a brain tumour. I had a bad experience with a previous child ( a doctor's son too ) with a similar pattern and it did not produce a happy ending.
My prayers for your child and hopefully any intervention in the future would be in the best interest of the child.. Insya Allah..
kepada ibu bapa tersebut, Wani doakan agar tabah dan bersabar dengan ujianNya.
kepada Dr Mafeitz, moga rawatan dan sentuhan dr beri keredaan kepada anak tersebut.
ps: dr check email tak ?
jgn marah aa...
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