It was great to be outdoors again for the first time this year. It was a 3 days 2 nights camp ; there were about 40 of us ; the common faces were there and there were few new ones. We had onething in common though ; deep interest in outdoors and "gila-gila" !! Our campsite was further away the previous campsite last year. The place was nice and I am thinking of bringing my family and friends to camp there sometime soon.
Our activities ranged from trekking to the waterfalls ; and we conquered all three ! I've only been to one before and i could not believe my eyes seeing the waterfall just above the one we've always been to before. Subhanallah.. It is beautiful ! Thats why Chillings will always be my favourite falls in Malaysia !
the top most waterfall
the usual one which i though was beautiful until i reached the top this time !
Besides having a good hypothermic bath , we did lots of other group activities ranging from Survival skills to flying fox. I was not able to snap pics though , coz it involved getting me wet in the process ! I am still waiting for the organizing committe to download their pics and then i will post me in action ! The highlight i guess was the BOT Presentation night where i rendered a Hindi song for our sketch which I guess the the funniest one that night ! Thanx to my dysfunctional talented group members !! Hahahahahaha
There was a VIP who camped beside us ; and of course he was with us during the Chilling trek. I must admire Dato Khalid Yunos ; seeing him enjoying the outdoor at his age ( being 65 ! ) . I do hope that one day , i would have the chance to be as proud as Edmund Hillary when he reached the peak of all peaks.. !!
pic time with Dato Khalid
Dysfunctional Group 2 : Jalak Lantern before embarking flying fox
Group photo
Dr M, (nice initial)
Hey bro, what a surprise! you gained some weight compare to 15 years ago.
Lim Teck Hoe
hahahaha.. sudah tua la bang ! nice to hear from you too !
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