Sunday, October 16, 2011

MM127 hours- Paten Brook's trail

 I contacted Jerome, the walk organizer from the Perth Hiking Club WA to join their group’s walk before Saturday. I came across their website and looking at the list of the upcoming activities, I think it would be appropriate to join a local group so that you can gather information and experience about bushwalking. I was not too sure if I can adapt into the group but there is nothing to loose isn’t it? Jerome did mention that because it was predicted to be very warm, there will be only a few of us which I did not mind at all.
Woke up early, prepared my toast and scrambled eggs with tuna for my walking lunch and I was set to go! We were to meet up in Midland railway station which was the end station for one of the trains.Luckily I live near to the railway station so it was not difficult to board into one. Transperth website was also helpful as it helped me to plan my journey. I reckon Malaysia should have an efficient system such as this and it makes life easy.
I was in Midlands station by 9am and when Jerome arrived at the station it was easy to recognize him because he mentioned an important feature of himself.. the BEARD! Jerome was with his sister Karen and it was nice to meet them.Karen was really friendly and I reckon about my mum’s age.We then took a lift from Phil who with his 4 wheel drive took us up to the Perth Hills National Park.
Upon arrival, we met up with a group of bushwalking enthusiasts.In total there were 8 of us. However I noticed that I was the “youngest” in the group! That is something I am amazed of orang putih because they are active despite their age.I rarely see our Malaysian elders being active in outdoors and my highest respect for this group.
Patent Brook is considered to be a medium type of walk but of course it will only be a day trip. It was cool that the the beginning of the trek was a part of theWorld famous Bibbulmun trail!
Jerome emphasized the fact that it is important to interact with every member in the group and ask as many questions as possible. Jerome gave a short briefing to all the members and we were off to a start!
Jerome himself is a very experienced Bushwalker. He was one of the founders of Perth Bushwalking Club and had been active for more than 30 years! HARDCORE OTAI tu.. he formed this group (MEMBER NO: 0001) because he wanted to approach buskwalking in a different way. Reminded me a lot of OGKL really! What was interesting with an experienced guide with us would be the explanations and information that is dispersed throughout the walk. I took the opportunity to ask Jerome and other experienced members questions as Bushwalking is new to me! I reckon I’ve managed to gather quite a handful of information. Its never the same reading when compared to obtaining it from the source itselfJ
 It was a good outing I must say! I enjoyed it very much. Thank you Jerome for being an excellent organizer as well as to the other members of the group. Hopefully I’ll be in touch with their future programmes!

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