Monday, January 26, 2015

#Diagnosis2 on Astro Awani 501

A last minute request was put to AF the night before. Talkabout session with Astro Awani 501 who gave us a good coverage during our soft launch. It was totally last minute and with AF, Aizzat, Din being in another state, arrangements for ad hoc opportunities such as this can be a regret! I don't reckon FL can suddenly spring of her HO duties to come. Me &  Ben would be no different either.
But by Allah's will, I had something to do in the morning so i swapped calls with Fatma last week. Ben himself took leave till Monday to rest. Somehow it worked out that me & Ben were free to do this TV interview. Subhanallah.. my first time!
Ive been interviewed randomly before but never being recorded on studio. Theres always a first time! I did not have the jitters of an exam viva but scary enough to push my adrenaline off the roof.
Being a keeno, i was in the BSKL vicinity by 1.40pm and we were to only meet at 3.30pm!! Haha Daripada tak lalu nak makan terus like, hmm laparlah.. haha so i had my hearty lunch. Ben came about by 230pm and we discussed about what we want to say. At least a common theme and not being tangential to Diagnosis concept.
I was having palpitations when we went to the studio..Arrggh.. gemuruh gila.. haha Its not the same as giving a speech or talk in front of a big crowd. This was TV! huhuhu
We met up with Ayu the producer and then Izza, the journalist who would be "chairing" the interview. We were then asked to be touched up by the make up artist. Jack (her name) was not too keen with my hair! haha I had a haircut during the weekend and if i had known earlier about this interview, i would have postponed it! She did what she could to save my hair for TV. I guess i came with a messed up not properly done hairstyle unlike Ben.
To my surprise we did not discuss much with Izza before the start so it was not scripted at all! The set was well done with our book cover being displayed vert galantly. Wow! Thank you Astro Awani! Haha I did fumble on few parts but i guess it was not too bad because we did not have any cuts or breaks.I thought it went well. My favourite part would be when AF came on live on the phone. He was so composed that i wished i can be as cool as he was :) We met up with Jiji too who came for our PC last 2 weeks. She must have been the first person there to have read Diagnosis2! Alhamdulillah, she liked it and in particular my Gaza and AMS! Thank you for reading it!
It came out yesterday, 25 January 2015 at 830pm.. primetime Sunday news! Alhamdulillah, an excellent publicity for our project. Thank you Whitecoat, AF, Aizzat and Azah for inviting me to join the bandwagon. A definite rollercoaster ride from here on :) 

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